Raw materials

We have always made our products starting from selection of the best raw materials in order to meet everyone’s tastes and needs.

Re-milled durum wheat semolina

For the artisan preparation of our baked goods such as bases for pizza, puccia bread, and focaccia bread we use only re-milled durum wheat semolina. The re-milled semolina is obtained thanks to an extra step in the milling phase of the durum wheat, giving it a finer grain size compared to traditional semolina and making it ideal for the production of our baked goods.

Moreover, re-milled semolina is highly digestible and rich in mineral salts, amino acids, proteins, fibers, vitamins, and antioxidants capable of fighting cellular aging such as lutein and beta-carotene. In addition to these well-known nutritional characteristics, re-milled durum wheat semolina represents a strong link to tradition, the area, and the local Apulian communities.

Indeed, durum wheat has been grown mainly in the regions of Southern Italy for centuries. With our products we wanted to enhance a consolidated culinary tradition that is linked to strong emotional values.

Flour mix

To produce the pinsa, on the other hand, we use a mix of flours consisting of wheat flour, soy flour, and rice flour. This flour mix features two characteristics:

  • reduced starch content which makes the product very digestible;
  • high protein content which gives the dough elasticity. This peculiarity favors the production of the classic bubbles that characterize the pinsa, making it crunchy.

Extra-virgin olive oil

Extra-virgin olive oil is a product of the Mediterranean agri-food tradition. Extremely rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, it is an excellent ally for one’s health. Used in the production of our baked goods, it makes them crunchier, crumblier and tastier, it improves leavening, and it gives the mixture greater digestibility and elasticity.

Our tradition

Our master pizza makers work the dough to perfection in order to obtain quality products that are an expression of tradition.
Indeed, in Southern Italy baking has always taken place with the use of re-milled durum wheat semolina, the advantages of which are a soft and light honeycomb texture as well as unmistakable smell and taste.

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